We took an 80 mile Sunday drive lovin' the heat and enjoying our first 90' day. Drove to Bruneau, Strike Dam, Black Sands, and then through Grand View and the Simplot feed lot. We were talking about an old friend, Marolyn Markham, who had retired to Grand View a few years ago, and low and behold, I looked right and there was Marolyn standing next to her truck at a storage unit! Me bad, I was so busy talking and catching up with Marolyn I FORGOT to take HER picture. :(
Old building in Bruneau, dated 1901
Canyons and Reservoir at Strike Dam - beautful natural Idaho
Rocco checking out the cold water, and thinking there is
no way he is getting in
Simplot Cattle Feedlot in Grand View, Idaho - capacity of 150,000 head of cattle. So, me being me, I stopped the car in front of a
"no parking" sign and parked, for just a minute, to take a picture of a few cows. There are 750 acres of thousands of cattle in Grand View, and the Simplot feedlot boosts the largest holding capacity in the United States. But from the minute I took the first picture, a herd of cattle came toward me
running, thinking I am their new best friend, or at least a ranch hand with a pitch fork full of feed.
Little calves wanting some dinner. I had no idea they could move so fast at the sight of a human.